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Title I Handbook


Central Lyon

Title I

Parent Handbook



Central Lyon Community School District, Rock Rapids, IA

Parent Involvement Policy


  1. This policy is distributed to the parents of participating Title I children.

How? (beginning of the year, parent-teacher conferences, annual meetings and mailings).

When? (Fall and/or Spring)

Frequency? (annually and when new families enroll)


  1. An annual meeting is held for all parents of participating children to discuss the Title I program.

Notification procedures? (letter sent home and school calendar)


  1. Parents are given assistance in understanding the requirements of the Title I law as tied to the Comprehensive School Improvement Plan.  The Central Lyon Student learning Goal #2 which is specific to reading is:
  • Our students will acquire basic skills in obtaining information, solving problems, thinking critically, and communicating effectively.


Content and Student Achievement Standards


  • Students will read to accomplish tasks as well as for personal fulfillment. (reading)
  • Students demonstrate competence in the general skills and strategies of

the reading process.

  • Students demonstrate competence in applying the reading process to specific types of literary texts.
  • Students demonstrate competence in applying the reading process to specific types of informational texts.


  1.  Title I Eligibility:

How? (as listed below and end of the year progress report)


               A student’s eligibility for Title I services is based on a combination of checklists, report card grades, unit test scores, teacher survey scores and CBM scores.  We also consider teacher recommendation and parent request.  These are our standards for referral:

  1.  Kindergarten students identified in the Fall based on a teacher’s checklist of alphabet letters and sounds.
  2. Grade 1: students are referred by a locally developed matrix identifying students with partially proficient skills to be considered as eligible students next year.



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  1. Grades 2-5: students are referred according to a locally developed Title I matrix based on the idea that the students receiving the few points have the greater need. (See Matrix below)


After test scores are compiled, classroom teachers and Title I teachers conference to discuss the results.  Teacher recommendation based on documentation and observation help us determine which eligible students will receive Title I services.


     Components of the matrix and points given:

     Report Card Grades                                                           Teacher Survey Score

     2nd Grade                    3rd-5th grade                                           10-15 = 1 point

     N   N-                           F= 1 point                                                16-24 = 2 points        

     N+ S-                           D= 2 points                                              25-32 = 3 points

     S+ S                           C= 3 points                                              33-40  = 4 points                        

     H                                  B or above = 4 points


    Unit Test Scores                    Proficiency Level                           Proficiency Levels                                                      

   69% or below = 1 point                  K-3                                             4th Grade

   70%-76% = 2 points               Mastery = 15-16 pts.                   Advanced Proficient=

   77%-93% = 3 points               Advanced proficient =                11-12 points

   94% - 100% = 4 points          13-14 pts.                                      Proficient =

                                                Proficient = 6-12 pts.                   6-10 points

                                                     Partially Proficient = 1-5 pts.      Partially Proficient =

       1-5 Points


  1. Student Progress and Exit Policy

Title I services are provided in the following ways:

Title I reading teachers provide instruction which is in addition to the students’ regular classroom reading instruction time.  Most classes meet thirty minutes a day five times a week.  Students are pre-taught concepts that will be introduced in the regular classroom through the basal reading series or through literature-based activities.

 The decision to offer Title I programming is based on student assessment data derived from:

  1. K-3 Early Literacy Implementation and Support guidelines
  2. K-5 Curriculum Based Measurement ( 1 minute oral reading fluency test based on local curriculum)
  3. 2-5 Iowa Assessment scores
  4. 1-5 Basal reading test scores
  5. 1-5 STAR reading scores (tests vocabulary and comprehension)
  6. Accelerated Reading program scores
  7. K-5 anecdotal records



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Eligibility for service and exit criteria

Advanced Proficient = 11-12 points

Proficient = 6-10 points

Partially Proficient = 1-5 points


Title I Exit Policy

Students may exit the program at any time during the year.  The student will only be dismissed from the program after consultation with the classroom teacher, parent, student and the Title I teacher.

A student may be exited from the Title I Reading program by fulfilling one or more of the following criteria:

  • Instructional recommendation based on Early Literacy Implementation and Support guidelines
  • Classroom teacher recommendation based on increased academic progress
  • Title I teacher recommendation based on improvement of unit reading test scores
  • Parent recommendation
  • Improvement of oral reading based on monthly Title I C.B.M. scores
  • Demonstrated sustained success in the quarterly reading report card grades


  1. A jointly developed school/parent compact outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and students share responsibility for improved student achievement. 

How developed and distributed? (see item #1)

  1. The Title I program provides opportunities for parents to become partners with the school in promoting the educations of their children at home and at school.  

How? (Parents have options for becoming involved in activities that support children’s learning).Examples: Fall Parent Night, Fall and Spring Parent Teacher Conferences, Parent Volunteer Program, and summer help tutoring packets (available upon request).


To help us meet the Title I requirement (section 1118 of Title I) of implementing programs, activities and procedures for the involvement of parents, we have established a Parent Advisory Committee for Title I students.  This committee will work together with the teachers to:

  1. Assist in the development of a Title I Parent Handbook

Contents: a. Parent Compact, Parent Policy and State Title I Narratives

                  b. Explanation of the program

c. Student selection and eligibility

d. Parent Letter

e. Agenda of activities for the year

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       2.  Plan workshops/informal meetings

       3.  Plan special activities for Title I students

       4.  Plan summer activities for Title I students

       5.  Develop a Title I Parent Survey to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of    

            the Title I program

       6.  Engage in take-home projects (worksheets and A.R. reading material)


  Once a year parents and teachers sit down together in conferences to assess strengths and weaknesses, establish goals and monitor progress.







The Central Lyon Community School District offers career and technical programs in the following areas of study: Business Education, Family & Consumer Sciences Education, Industrial Arts Education and Vocation Agriculture Education. It is the policy of the Central Lyon Community School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, creed, age (for employment), marital status (for programs), sexual orientation, gender identity and socioeconomic status (for programs) in its educational programs and its employment practices. Inquiries or grievances may be directed to the Superintendent, Central Lyon CSD, 1010 S. Greene St., Rock Rapids, IA 51246, (712) 472-2664, superintendent@centrallyon.org. Please see District Board Policies for additional information on grievance procedures.