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Central Lyon CSD

Secondary (7-12)


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Speech Categories

One-Act Plays
Students perform a scene from a play, and they can't use scripts.  They may use costumes, make-up, and any props they feel will help their performance.

Readers Theatre
Students read a play from scripts, and may not use props, costumes, or make-up.

Ensemble Acting
Students memorize a selection, but aren't allowed to any props other than a table and 5 chairs.

Choral Reading
Students perform a selection by singing, dancing, costuming, etc.  Some parts are read from scripts.

   Group  2-5 members and a time limit of 7 minutes.
   Solo 1 member and a time limit of 5 minutes.
Mime(s) perform a scene with creativity, body control,  and movement to convey the message.

Group Improvisation
Students draw three situations upon entering the performance room and have two minutes to choose one.  They perform their situation, but only have five minutes to do so

Radio Broadcasting
Students gather their own information and materials for the broadcast, it being national, international, state, weather, and sports.  Their broadcast must include a special feature and one commercial.  The entries are recorded before the contest and must be from within 30 days of the contest.

The Central Lyon Community School District offers career and technical programs in the following areas of study: Business Education, Family & Consumer Sciences Education, Industrial Arts Education and Vocation Agriculture Education. It is the policy of the Central Lyon Community School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, creed, age (for employment), marital status (for programs), sexual orientation, gender identity and socioeconomic status (for programs) in its educational programs and its employment practices. Inquiries or grievances may be directed to the Superintendent, Central Lyon CSD, 1010 S. Greene St., Rock Rapids, IA 51246, (712) 472-2664, superintendent@centrallyon.org. Please see District Board Policies for additional information on grievance procedures.