Central Lyon Health Forms
*All health forms should be submitted directly to the office or by email to schoolnurse@co.lyon.ia.us
- Health HX Registration Form
- Medication Authorization Form (For medications brought from home to be given at school)
- Immunization Requirement Table
- Immunization Requirements (Iowa Department of Public Health version)
*To be completed by medical providers. All health forms should be submitted directly to the office, faxed to 712-472-2115 or emailed to schoolnurse@co.lyon.ia.us
- Allergy & Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan
- Asthma Action Plan
- Authorization to Carry Inhaler
- Certificate of Dental Screening - Required for Kindergarten and 9th Grade. To be completed by dentist.
- Certificate of Vision Screening - Required for Kindergarten and 3rd Grade. To be completed by eye doctor.
- Diet Modification Form
- Diabetes Medical Management Plan
- Seizure Action Plan
*Athletic forms need to be submitted to the athletic director or coaching staff