Ag Education
Welcome to the Central Lyon Ag web page. We have a very active ag. program at Central Lyon and among the things you will find on this sight are classroom activities, FFA features and activities, and school activities in general.

CL FFA Hosts Sub-Districts
Central Lyon has been competing in sub-districts for several years, but hosted the FFA Northwest Sub-Districts contest for the first time on February 24, 2022. The host school rotates from school to school in Lyon and Sioux counties every . . .

FFA Beekeeping
Harvesting honey is in full swing. We have a limited amount of honey for sale in 8 oz bottle. Please message us or email us at for more information. We want to thank Tim Olson and Marlene Boernsen for all your . . .

Feed the Farmers
For area grain farmers, “Operation: Feed the Farmer” is the day in November when they can expect a visit from a Central Lyon FFA chapter member. S tudents pack and deliver, typically more than 200 sack lunches of . . .

Ag in the Classroom
Ag In the classroom is a spin off from the National FFA PALS program. Mr. Rockhill believes that it’s a great opportunity for his Agriculture students to have the chance to teach younger students about agriculture! They do fun, . . .

Grant will Improve FFA Farm
The local FFA alumni group Friends of the Central Lyon FFA recently applied for and received a Lyon County Riverboat Foundation grant of $35,000 that will be used to give the FFA farm much needed improvements. The Central . . .
Students Practice Surgical Techniques
Students in the high school veterinary science class have been working on suture techniques. They practice this by utilizing chicken legs to represent a live tissue structure. They got the materials from Sunshine Foods and Moon Creek Vet . . .
FFA has Facebook
The Central Lyon FFA has been a very active extracurricular for students at Central Lyon. With a changing world of technology we now have the ability to reach out into our community through social media. In 2016, they connected the FFA . . .